Specialists in working with teenage dogs….
Adolescence (read: TEENAGER) is a normal period of development in our dogs. But it is not always easy. If you have had your dog since a puppy, you might start to notice they become less responsive to things there were previously good at, and you might start to wonder what on earth has happened?!
If you have adopted an adolescent dog you might be struggling to know where to start with their training.
Adolescence is the period from around 5 1/2 months to around 2 years of age (depending on the breed(s) of dog). You might think this is a long time to be living with a dog that is no longer listening, and seems to find everyone and everything more interesting than you. But….
Don’t worry, we can help….
We have created a group course specifically designed for dogs going through the adolescent stage of development.
Teenage dogs often struggle more with distractions, or appear to lack focus. It can seem that they listen to anyone else but you and they might have developed more of an independent streak. Therefore this course has a heavy focus on the relationship between you and your dog as well as how distractions affect the learning process. The course includes exercises and games specifically suited for the adolescent dog’s brain including:
Focus / connection
Using your dog’s incredible sense of smell to your advantage
Teaching a dog to choose to listen
Recall (and why this might fall apart during adolescence)
Body awareness
and more…..
Jane in particular has a special interest in Adolescent Dogs. There are LOTS of changes happening in the teenage dogs brain and whilst they can - at times - be frustrating to live with, they are also often having a tough time themselves navigating their environment during such an intense developmental period. Working to ensure the relationship between human and dog is able to flourish during this time is something Jane is particularly passionate about.
Course Availability
The Adolescent course includes written training notes and video tutorials of the exercises covered. As well as access to a private Facebook group for additional resources.
Classes are held outside at our training field on Stockton Lane, York.
The course lasts 6 weeks and costs £105
Our next courses are due to start on:
Saturday 14th December at 11.30am (NO CLASS ON SATRUDAY 28TH DECEMBER)
Please contact us if you would like to be put on our waiting list for our next course.
Advancing Adolescents
For those that have completed our Adolescent course, we have the opportunity for you to complete our Advancing Adolescent progression course. This course picks up on the things covered in your previous course and includes:
3 practical ‘in person’ classes at the field (3 x 45 min class)
1 practical session out in the ‘real world’ (45 min)
1 online theory / Q&A session which provide 1-1 coaching and details of exactly why your Adolescent dog might be a challenge to live with sometimes.
The course covers:
Where your dog is developmentally - what is happening in their brain
Navigating your way through Adolescence whilst keeping your sanity - what to expect from your dog, and what your dog can expect from you
Advancing focus / attention skills
How distractions can impact your dog and how to work around distractions successfully
Specific exercises to suit to the individual dogs attending
This course is suitable for dog’s up to 2 1/2 years old who have already completed our Adolescent course. The cost of the course is £80 (+£2 booking fee)
Our next course is due to start on:
Tuesday 2 April at 6pm **FULL**